Source code for sumolib.JSON

"""JSON utilities.

# pylint: disable=C0103
#                          Invalid name for type variable

import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # if this module is directly called like a script, we have to add the path
    # ".." to the python search path in order to find modules named
    # "sumolib.[module]".

import pprint
import os.path
import time
import cPickle
import sumolib.lock

__version__="2.8.3" #VERSION#

assert __version__==sumolib.lock.__version__

_pyver= (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])

# -----------------------------------------------
# ensure a certain python version
# -----------------------------------------------

if _pyver < (2,5):
    sys.exit("ERROR: SUMO requires at least Python 2.5, "
             "your version is %d.%d" % _pyver)

if _pyver > (2,5):
    import json
    _JSON_TYPE= 1
elif _pyver == (2,5):
    # python 2.5 has no standard json module, assume that simplejson is
    # installed:
        import simplejson as json
    except ImportError, _json_err:
        sys.exit("ERROR: If SUMO is run with Python %d.%d "
                 "you need to have module 'simplejson' installed." % \
    _JSON_TYPE= 0
    # older python versions are already detected further above
    raise AssertionError("this shouldn't happen")
# -----------------------------------------------
# exceptions
# -----------------------------------------------

[docs]class ParseError(Exception): """This is raised when the JSON data is invalid.""" pass
[docs]class InconsistentError(Exception): """This is raised when we cannot get consistent JSON data.""" pass # ----------------------------------------------- # JSON functions # -----------------------------------------------
[docs]def dump_file(filename, var): """Dump a variable to a file in JSON format. This function uses a technique to write the file atomically. It assumes that we have a lock on the file so the temporary filename does not yet exist. """ tmp_filename= "%s.tmp" % filename fh= open(tmp_filename, "w") # modern python JSON modules add a trailing space at lines that end with a # comma. It seems that this is only fixed in python 3.4. So for now we # remove the spaces manually here, which is done by json_str(). fh.write(json_str(var)) fh.flush() os.fsync(fh.fileno()) fh.close() os.rename(tmp_filename, filename) # pylint: disable=C0303 # Trailing whitespace
[docs]def json_str(var): """convert a variable to JSON format. Here is an example: >>> var= {"key":[1,2,3], "key2":"val", "key3":{"A":1,"B":2}} >>> print json_str(var) { "key": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "key2": "val", "key3": { "A": 1, "B": 2 } } <BLANKLINE> """ if _JSON_TYPE==0: raw_str= json.dumps(var, sort_keys= True, indent= 4*" ") else: raw_str= json.dumps(var, sort_keys= True, indent= 4) # modern python JSON modules add a trailing space at lines that end # with a comma. It seems that this is only fixed in python 3.4. So for # now we remove the spaces manually here: lines= [x.rstrip() for x in raw_str.splitlines()] # effectively add a single newline at the end: lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def dump(var): """Dump a variable in JSON format. Here is an example: >>> var= {"key":[1,2,3], "key2":"val", "key3":{"A":1,"B":2}} >>> dump(var) { "key": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "key2": "val", "key3": { "A": 1, "B": 2 } } <BLANKLINE> """ print json_str(var) # pylint: enable=C0303 # Trailing whitespace
[docs]def json_load(data): """decode a JSON string. """ return json.loads(data)
[docs]def loadfile(filename): """load a JSON file. If filename is "-" read from stdin. """ if filename != "-": fh= open(filename) else: fh= sys.stdin # simplejson and json raise different kinds of exceptions # in case of a syntax error within the JSON file. if _JSON_TYPE==1: my_exceptionclass= ValueError else: my_exceptionclass= json.scanner.JSONDecodeError try: results= json.load(fh) except my_exceptionclass, e: if filename != "-": msg= "%s: %s" % (filename, str(e)) fh.close() else: msg= "<stdin>: %s" % str(e) # always re-raise as a value error regardless of _JSON_TYPE: raise ParseError(msg) except IOError, e: if filename != "-": msg= "%s: %s" % (filename, str(e)) fh.close() else: msg= "<stdin>: %s" % str(e) raise e.__class__(msg) if filename != "-": fh.close() return results
[docs]class Container(object): """an object that is a python structure. This is a dict that contains other dicts or lists or strings or floats or integers. """
[docs] def selfcheck(self, msg): """raise an exception if the object is not valid.""" # pylint: disable=W0613 # Unused argument # pylint: disable=R0201 # Method could be a function return
def __init__(self, dict_= None, lock_timeout= None): """create the object.""" if dict_ is None: self.dict_= {} else: self.dict_= dict_ self.lock= None self._filename= None self._lock_timeout= lock_timeout
[docs] def filename(self, new_name= None): """return or set the internal filename.""" if new_name is None: return self._filename if new_name==self._filename: return # remove old locks that may exist: self.unlock_file() self._filename= new_name
[docs] def dirname(self): """return the directory part of the internal filename.""" return os.path.dirname(self._filename)
[docs] def lock_file(self): """lock a file and store filename and lock in the object.""" if not self._filename: raise ValueError("cannot lock JSON object: filename is not set") if self.lock: # already locked return lk= sumolib.lock.MyLock(self._filename, self._lock_timeout) # may raise lock.LockedError, lock.AccessError or OSError: lk.lock() self.lock= lk
[docs] def unlock_file(self): """remove a filelock if there is one.""" if self.lock: self.lock.unlock() self.lock= None
def __del__(self): """object destructor.""" self.unlock_file()
[docs] def datadict(self): """return the internal dict.""" return self.dict_
[docs] def to_dict(self): """return the object as a dict.""" return self.dict_
def __repr__(self): """return a repr string.""" return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.to_dict())) def __str__(self): """return a human readable string.""" txt= ["%s:" % self.__class__.__name__] txt.append(pprint.pformat(self.to_dict(), indent=2)) return "\n".join(txt) @classmethod
[docs] def from_json(cls, json_data): """create an object from a json string.""" obj= cls(json_load(json_data)) obj.selfcheck("(created from JSON string)") return obj
[docs] def from_json_file(cls, filename, keep_lock, lock_timeout= None): """create an object from a json file. """ # pylint: disable=R0912 # Too many branches if not isinstance(keep_lock, bool): raise TypeError("wrong type of keep_lock") if filename=="-": result= cls(loadfile(filename)) result.selfcheck("(created from JSON string on stdin)") return result if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("file \"%s\" not found" % filename) l= sumolib.lock.MyLock(filename, lock_timeout) # may raise lock.LockedError, lock.AccessError or OSError: try: l.lock() except sumolib.lock.AccessError, _: if keep_lock: # we cannot keep the lock since we cannot create it, this is an # error: raise # we cannot create a lock but try to continue anyway: l= None if l is None: # We cannot create a file lock but be we try to read consistently: # it must be valid JSON and the file modification date must not # change. tmo= lock_timeout while True: t1= os.path.getmtime(filename) try: data= loadfile(filename) except ParseError, _: if tmo<=0: raise # if there is a timeout specified, try again: tmo-=1 time.sleep(1) continue t2= os.path.getmtime(filename) if t2!=t1: # file modification time changed, we have to read again # unless the time is expired: if tmo<=0: raise InconsistentError("File %s: cannot lock " "and cannot read " "consistently" % filename) time.sleep(1) tmo-=1 continue break else: try: # simplejson and json raise different kinds of exceptions # in case of a syntax error within the JSON file. data= loadfile(filename) except Exception, _: if l is not None: l.unlock() raise result= cls(data, lock_timeout) if (not keep_lock) and (l is not None): l.unlock() l= None result.lock= l result.filename(filename) result.selfcheck("(created from JSON file %s)" % filename) return result
[docs] def json_string(self): """return a JSON representation of the object.""" return json_str(self.to_dict())
[docs] def json_print(self): """print a JSON representation of the object.""" print self.json_string()
[docs] def json_save(self, filename, verbose, dry_run): """save as a JSON file. If filename is empty, use the default filename. Always remove a file lock if it existed before. """ # pylint: disable=R0912 # Too many branches if filename=="-": raise ValueError("filename must not be \"-\"") if filename: if self._filename!=filename: # remove a lock that may still exist: self.unlock_file() self._filename= filename backup= "%s.bak" % self._filename try: if not dry_run: self.lock_file() if os.path.exists(backup): if verbose: print "remove %s" % backup if not dry_run: os.remove(backup) if os.path.exists(self._filename): if verbose: print "rename %s to %s" % (self._filename, backup) if not dry_run: os.rename(self._filename, backup) if not dry_run: dump_file(self._filename, self.to_dict()) finally: self.unlock_file()
[docs] def pickle_save(self, filename): """save using cPickle, don't use lockfiles or anything.""" fh= open(filename, "w") cPickle.dump(self.to_dict(), fh) fh.close()
[docs] def from_pickle_file(cls, filename): """load from a cPickle file, don't use lockfiles or anything.""" fh= open(filename, "r") data= cPickle.load(fh) fh.close() return cls(data)
def _test(): """perform internal tests.""" import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()